wounded knee

Ok, fine.
But a forced vacation would be way more acceptable if I could go on a road trip and end up sitting on a beach, not just be stuck in bed with ice packs and methocarbamol. Not that there's anything wrong with methocarbamol.
Thanks to exhub, I'm also in bed with dark chocolate and the latest People magazine which thankfully is a special double issue. And now that I'm sitting still, I finally got to catch up with my dad. This new no talking on your celly while driving law blows.
Hopefully I will be able to walk by Thursday cuz I am going to the symphony with the 9 year-olds' classes. I think it's so funny that they let ME chaperon 4th graders to an extravaganza starring the punisher.
Is that the right use for the word ironic?
Jilly I'm so sorry! I'm also sorry for not calling you. My inadequate excuase is that I've been in work or NCLEX class since last Wednesday. I can bring you something tonight or any night if you need anything. Just call and let me know.
well that's not inadequate. anyway, i've just been laying low.
can you bring the ortho floor accudose?
forget the accudose, just bring a Morphine PCA.
and i'd suggest jack daniels, but then i'd have to get up more often to pee. so nevermind.
i'll put a foley in you, baby! we've got you covered.
oh my god shen that is so kinky.
the fact that you find that kinky is hot.
you know, as your friend and as a BSN, I think I really have to step in and advocate on your behalf as a patient, and insist that another nurse be present for that procedure.So, yeah... I'll be free in about half an hour.
sick and wrong.
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