03 April 2006

our instructor just said "alls you need to do"

So on the way to class this morning, one of our Navy-enlisted classmates said to me, "Colin and Adriana and I were reading your blog the other day and it was so funny we were crying." Apparently he came up with Juanberg. Very nice. I didn't know he had it in him. (Oh, and anyone who says my blog is stupid is just ridiculous. FYI.)

Last night I went to see a group of very talented musicians perform crazy pieces written by contemporary composers. A man did a really amazing piece on just one bass drum, another woman sang a song about a fox to the english horn. I get the weird music as music thing, but I still don't get art all the time even though Katie has tried to explain it. Anyway, the violinist extraordinaire is also violist extraordinaire. His performance sounded like a cartoon soundtrack. All I could think about was Bugs Bunny.

Quote of the morning: "Is that like a rabbit?" ---Colin, when I told Katie there was a 15-minute piece on a french horn. No Colin, a french horn. And it was English anyway...I was wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I've been to france, and they are horny, so there.

03 April, 2006 11:12  
Blogger jill said...

well that's just what we need in this world, more horny french to blow. geez.

03 April, 2006 11:53  

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