25 September 2006

Katie says, "Its the only thing besides picturing a circus family whenever Jan says "launching children" that keeps me on the good side of the Glasgow Scale."

Ok, do you really think that in Family Systems, the "good side" of the Glasgow Scale is that you open your eyes spontaneously and can actually feel pain? I'm thinking the good side would be disoriented or in a coma during that class. I love Jan, but I'd rather swim with her than go to these lectures.

Hey, the Glasgow Coma Scale can be interpreted in many ways. Obviously. Oh and if you can put that poem to music, I'll buy you dinner. (That poem made me laugh just now. And I'm going to start calling Ramatou "Mamatou.")

Quote of the day: I can't blog it. But it was memorable, and would be good advice if said classmate would listen to me. I guess it's really only a matter of time before I tell her myself.


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