19 September 2006

felice anniversario

Today is my dad and stepmom's 25th wedding anniversary. Also, one of the charge nurses at work celebrates 10 years with her husband. And another friend mentioned last year the date was his anniversary as well.

I was gonna post a picture of what I actually looked like at my dad's wedding...it's very funny...the barrette/ribbon thing was so in. It was on Lake Michigan. I got a million mosquito bites and the priest who married them (with my grandfather the rabbi) made sure my sister and I weren't ever without a glass of champagne. I was 12.

My dad and stepmom are the weirdest, most unlikely couple. But they are so totally and completely in love with each other, it's hard to fault them for being weird. They are just all chill and happy and 25 years ago they threw all caution to the wind and said fuck everyone else...we're doing this cuz we love each other. Pretty admirable. Obviously I didn't get it when I was 12, but I get it now, and would sure rather have one parent blissful than both parents bitter.

Anyway, they don't get to read my blog cuz I say "fuck" too much and like I'd tell my dad anything about punishment. But, I hope they're having fun in Italy, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they bring me back jewelry and Grappa.

Coming in November...the 25th anniversary of my Bat Mitzvah, where I got my first real kiss. Blogerotica.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...I can't believe it's 25 years for them. Judy and Lynn celebrate 23 years in December. I feel old, J. Anyway, happy anniversary to my ex-in-laws.

19 September, 2006 15:33  
Blogger jill said...

i can't believe judy and lynn are still married.

what's weirder is that you've almost known me that long, huh. i don't look a day older though. neither do you. well...

i hate today. i'll be happy when it's over.

19 September, 2006 17:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyway, they don't get to read my blog cuz I say "fuck" too much

So you're a closeted curser?

21 September, 2006 13:05  
Blogger jill said...

damn...you know me fucking better than to ask that shit.

i'm not in the closet anymore. remember?

hey, remember when you pried that chocolate brownie out of ursy's mouth? she and i were talking about that today at the dog park.

22 September, 2006 00:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so am I still her alpha dog?

22 September, 2006 07:52  
Blogger jill said...

hang on...i'll ask her and get back to you.

22 September, 2006 08:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't look a day older, Jilly. I, on the other hand, am a fat freaking fossil.

26 September, 2006 14:26  

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