So I'm sitting at Satellite working on my genogram and my ecomap, and these 2 girls sit at the table next to me and start talking about Jason and Noah and Robby and being sick of school. One of them has green nail polish and the other one has hair that is seriously 8 different colors and their clothes are SO tight I want to ask them how they can breathe. So then one says, "Maybe I'll try girls. Boys are too much trouble." And I laugh out loud and they both look at me (and we all laugh...it was a very sweet moment) and I say, "Try girls cuz you're into girls, not cuz you think they're gonna be easier. Cuz they're just as bad as boys." So then they tell me all about their lives, their boyfriends, their sophomore year in high school and how much it sucks and I tell them...yeah, high school sucks. Everything about it. But once you're far away from it and you have all this responsibility that you didn't have in high school, it makes you kinda sentimental. Then one of them says she's turning 16 on Tuesday and I ask what she's gonna do for her birthday and she looks up at the sky, takes a deep breath, puts her hand on her heart and says, "Endure."
I don't care how groovy I am as a mom. I'm not gonna understand my kids when they're teenagers. Today I resigned myself to that. And what will I do from 2010 until 2017? I guess I will endure.
this groovy mom thing....who ever said you was groovy?
what an excellent post!
oh come on...my kids think i'm groovy. today, anyway.
you are gravy. Your like the "best mom and pop diner of 2006" gravy. Infact, I don't know any other producer of twins that is as gravy as you.
i gotta make you gravy sometime. ask katie or exhub...it is the shit. i will not be gravy in a few years, cuz i believe we will be living on a different planet than my children.
thanks g...coming from the writer in the family, that's a big compliment.
I don't think Z&M will be teen nightmares. This is not based on any kind of fact, merely a feeling. That's all I have.
yeah well denial isn't just a river in egypt, you know.
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