24 December 2006

these people are on crack

(We are bored at work and waiting for 4:00 so we can go eat red chile.)


I especially like my numerology statement that says something about how I could be highly successful if I could just focus.

Focus, my ass.


I am a Zen Mom, and I didn't even lie.

Here's the summary: "How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world."

Calm, my ass.

More middle of the night ridiculousness: My meddling mother is trying to marry me off to my high school boyfriend. She was at a party with him tonight and called 3 times...during drinks, dinner, and his speech (his father turned 70) "just in case you wanted to hear his voice!" I was with patients and couldn't answer the phone and I thought someone had died. I am no longer answering phone calls from my mother.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trying to set you up with another guy, eh? Where does he live? I've got a sledge hammer with his name on it...

She better back off if he wants to see his dad's 71st.

Merry Ch.... wait.

Happy Hannukah! (is that over? 8 crazy nights, right?)

oh well, here's one we can all enjoy:

Happy New Year!

24 December, 2006 20:05  
Blogger jill said...

ok you need to lay off the eggnog.

no need for a sledge hammer. there's a reason we broke up junior year, then senior year, then when i was 20, then once when i was 21...

24 December, 2006 21:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. i see a repeating pattern. i better get on him quick before your mom ruins all my plans.

And I WISH I had too much eggnog. Now I remember why I don't live at home. Oy vey.

24 December, 2006 21:43  
Blogger jill said...

you do live at home. you're just visiting your parents. at least they have internet access.

don't you have a girlfriend? and haven't i sworn off love forever? yes and yes.

24 December, 2006 22:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

details, details. Did Moses let the fact that there was no food or water in the desert stop him from leading his people to freedom? I don't think so. He went "Shazam!" and everything worked out.


Damn it. Still a cancer.

24 December, 2006 22:10  
Blogger jill said...

ass-trology has no part in this. isn't your girlfriend's birthday the day after mine? anyway, that ex...he's a libra. and a lawyer. fuck that.

moses had god on his side. didn't you read my blog last week? i'm not godly.

will you bring me home some pad thai from thailand? puh-lease?

24 December, 2006 22:56  

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