fuck you...i AM being nice
Recently lawmakers in Beijing made it illegal for sales clerks to be rude to their customers. Apparently there have been concerns about the millions of people converging upon Beijing for the 2008 Olympics due to the state of customer service in China.
When my friends and I go out for a nice, cheap Vietnamese dinner, I expect the server to be cool and friendly. When I pick out paper for my origami madness, I expect someone to point me in the direction where the packages have been relocated and not roll their eyes at me. When I go to the bank, I expect not to be snubbed by the teller and to have her send me on my way with a "have a nice day." After all, I'm giving these people my hard-earned cash, right?
So then why is it that those closer to us...friends and family, classmates, bosses, co-workers...get to be horrible? Is it that just because I walk in the front door, my daughter can take her bad day out on me knowing that I'll continue to walk through the front door? Or can a friend send off a completely rude, obnoxious email or voicemail and then retort with "lighten up, I'm just kidding" knowing that I'll still join them for coffee the next day? Can my father really not show up to my graduation and sleep ok knowing that I will still show up to his 65th birthday party this summer? Can the nurses who are "training" us really treat us like we are subhuman and still think we're gonna sign on with them when there's a nursing shortage all over the world and there are way better places to live than New Mexico?
Fuck no.
I want certain things from people. I want my kids to be polite, I want my family at my graduation, I want people to say goodbye when they're leaving and not just take off, leaving me wondering if I've done something wrong or hurtful. I want my classmates to still think I'm worthy if I fuck up an exam. And I want...no, I expect...my very closest friends to consistently just be nice. Can't everyone just act like Ursy? Is that too much to ask for?
When my friends and I go out for a nice, cheap Vietnamese dinner, I expect the server to be cool and friendly. When I pick out paper for my origami madness, I expect someone to point me in the direction where the packages have been relocated and not roll their eyes at me. When I go to the bank, I expect not to be snubbed by the teller and to have her send me on my way with a "have a nice day." After all, I'm giving these people my hard-earned cash, right?
So then why is it that those closer to us...friends and family, classmates, bosses, co-workers...get to be horrible? Is it that just because I walk in the front door, my daughter can take her bad day out on me knowing that I'll continue to walk through the front door? Or can a friend send off a completely rude, obnoxious email or voicemail and then retort with "lighten up, I'm just kidding" knowing that I'll still join them for coffee the next day? Can my father really not show up to my graduation and sleep ok knowing that I will still show up to his 65th birthday party this summer? Can the nurses who are "training" us really treat us like we are subhuman and still think we're gonna sign on with them when there's a nursing shortage all over the world and there are way better places to live than New Mexico?
Fuck no.

(Have Ursy translate it for you. She knows what I mean. It's all in the eyes.)
And, by the way, I hope I'll always be as good to you as you have always been to me. Its like those song lyrics...(Ok, even if I don't know the title, or even the exact lines, you ARE the one who almost always used to open each blog with ltric quotes..)
"You give me strength when (something like) I'm -in -need!
You give me (something like) Hope,
To -still- belive!!!!
(something something)
I'm everything I am,
Because you loved me!!!!"
Ok, so maybe the last line doesn't REALLY apply to us, but you get the jist.
Plus, it would have been alot harder to know what song I was talking about if I just put down the first two (partial) lines.
Oh, yeah...I think there was a lot of humming afterwards, but thats kinda hard to type out, and still make sense.
oh come on. celine dion?
now i have that fucking song in my head. thanks a lot.
oh...and speaking of the dog thing
she has no thumbs, therefore she cannot have a blog or type comments on mine. today i woke up with her nose on my cheek. that was enough.
people's pets have their own blogs and myspace pages though. unreal.
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