10 February 2007

san mateo #2

Tax time. I'm doing my taxes. Turbo Tax is really cool. Otherwise I'd be begging some tax professional to help me. But nope, no help necessary.

However...no more child care credit, no more dependent care credit? That kinda sucks. And no, I don't have any farm or fishing taxes. No, I'm not royalty. No, I don't employ a cook, a housekeeper, or a nanny (or a butler)(or a poolboy), and no, I don't have any gambling wins to report.

No, I do not use alcohol as fuel (although I could see how sometimes a drink could get you going), yes, I got a scholarship but should that really affect my federal return? Fuck the presidential election campaign fund, just send me my tax refund so I can buy a house.

I don't get it. I don't. I make NO money and I get TONS back. Where does it come from? San Mateo, explain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't get back what you haven't paid in.

11 February, 2007 12:38  
Blogger jill said...

trust me, i'm getting back more than i paid in.


11 February, 2007 13:23  

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