move over new mexico
So cluster maps are pretty cool. Obviously I can identify some of the people represented by certain dots on my map. But there are dots in places I don't even know people, which is very cool. I'll be happy when my map looks like a little kid with Varicella.
But, ok...who out there is regularly reading my blog (thus making the dot bigger and bigger) from Colorado?
But, ok...who out there is regularly reading my blog (thus making the dot bigger and bigger) from Colorado?
you stole my blog entry title.
And I think that person in Colorado is reading my blog, too.
i know.
who do we know in colorado? the only person i know is she of the star of c#nt.
oh, you already saw my comment.
Yeah, I don't know anyone in colorado that knows of my blog. And whie it IS facinating reading, and the random blogs offer something for everyone, I don't think it is too addictive. Not like the blog about the guy who digs up crap in his back yard.
If it IS the star of ¢ü#T, do you think they know that we call them the $T@® of ¢ü#T?
i don't know, but i agree with you that this crap cannot be addicting unless you know me and are waiting for a star to fall or something.
i dont understand this entire conversation
It's cause there's alot off insider history to it.
I think the $+@® *ƒ ¢ü#+ probably has a whole system of planets ciricling it. I can think of one of the moon's names, but I don't know if thats something I should share. At least here.
I looked for the $+@® *ƒ ¢ü#+ last night with my telescope... I think I found it, either that or a really big sucking black hole.
Oh, and I thought Shen's screen name was "Cleaver Gretle", and not "clever". I was trying to decide if "Cleaver" refered to a really big knife, or June Cleaver.
cleaver...funny. like psycho.
what's the name of the moon?
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