nevermind a bird, get a ferret
Today we went shopping for Katie's new bird. Boots had a few accidents but I think he was just so excited for his first Petco outing. Shavey's gonna have to show him the ropes.
Anyway, this ferret was just lounging, oblivious to the world around him. He was so cute, and he's sleeping like a human. I'd rather not have caged animals (we all remember what happened to Wicket the hampster who moved in with exhub, may he rest in peace) but I guess ferrets actually are useful. Like they'll hunt out rodents in small holes. And actually they have been used to run wire through conduits. In fact, Prince Charles and Princess Diana (may she also rest in peace, hopefully she's frolicking with Wicket) hired them to run cables for their wedding. I wonder if they could start IVs, cuz that's kind of the same idea. Really cheap, cute labor. Aces.
Anyway, I think Katie's still gonna get a bird and not a ferret, and I am really looking forward to teaching him all kinds of funny and annoying phrases. I really would not love to have a talking pet.
Some cool things I'm going to teach Seedy to say:
Bootsy wanna cracker?
Seedy is fantastic
Your boobs look great in that shirt
Boots you want a treat?
I'm a fool to do your dirty work
Does my butt look big in these jeans?
Quote of the day: "I want another puppy. And if I have to make Colin hang out with him while I'm at work, then I will." ---Katie, on possibly adopting Chandler

Anyway, I think Katie's still gonna get a bird and not a ferret, and I am really looking forward to teaching him all kinds of funny and annoying phrases. I really would not love to have a talking pet.
Some cool things I'm going to teach Seedy to say:
Bootsy wanna cracker?
Seedy is fantastic
Your boobs look great in that shirt
Boots you want a treat?
I'm a fool to do your dirty work
Does my butt look big in these jeans?
Quote of the day: "I want another puppy. And if I have to make Colin hang out with him while I'm at work, then I will." ---Katie, on possibly adopting Chandler
Yeah... probably not happening. As much I like puppies, and helping out friends, I don't see myself as being the go-to puppy-dumper. I'm sure taking care of a loveable bundle of joy has it's perks, like acting as a babe magnet at the dog park, but using a borrowed dog to get lucky just has too many shades of Castanza to it. So yeah, stick to pets you can leave solo and not have them go nutz. Like a bird, or better yet a ferret.
what about teaching seedy to say "one love"? I cant wait til he learns to laugh.
and "more love"
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