20 May 2007

as promised...



Blogger Col said...

As promised..

Fiji is great. I've met amazing people in an amazing place. I've never been this happy in a long time. really. All the cares I had before seem to have slipped off into the warm blue turquiose water and drifted out to sea on the soft murmuring of the lapping waves. At night I waled the beach and gazed at stars i've never seen before, and the ones I had glowed with such intensity I thought they might catch the very sky afire.

I've met new friends, missed my old, and found myself. An new, tanned, happy self who can't wait for the sun to rise on each and every new day. the world and the future lay before our feet. lets go discover it.



29 May, 2007 01:37  
Blogger Col said...

New Zealand is strangley familiar to me... As if I've been here before. A cross between Scotland, Canada, and Asia... It seems as if every other shop is an aasian or turkish restaraunt- their money has the Queen on it, and people speak as if thei were from the UK, except they say "fush and Chups" instead of "Fish and chips". Odd.

Tomorrow I leave the city (think of it as a hilly-er Vancouver) and start heading down south- first to Taupo for some skydiving (serious) and hotsprings, and the next day to do the tongariro crossing, one of the 9 Great Walks. Then it's on to the South Island. If you are feeling stuck oin ABQ, try Googling those places and come on your own little mini-trip with me. You do the imaginig, I'll get the blisters from walking.



29 May, 2007 21:21  
Blogger jill said...

i wish i was there.

thank you so, so much for that email...

thank you. that's all i can say.

30 May, 2007 08:37  
Blogger Col said...

today is all about rain. It has been coming down since I woke up, and seeing as today I'm sitting around waiting for my bus to show up, it is a real bummer of a wasted day. It gives me too much introspective time, and time thinking is not what I want to be doing right now. I want to be experiencing, discovering...not doubting, longing. Fiji wasw great- perfect for my state of mind at the time. New Zealand is cool but I'm moving around too much: 1 night auckland, 2 nights Natl. Park, 1 night Wellington, 1 night christchurch... and thats just up till tomorrow night- I have no idea where I'll be after that, and despite my love for adventure, I do miss the continuity of staying in one place for a while. Especially when I have to go wait on the side of the road for a bus, in the rain and cold by myself. I miss home, I miss my friends, I miss my life. Just one of those grey, cold, misserable days when you want to curl up in bed with that someone special. Excpet my bed is on the other side of the world, and I'm alone.

Missing you all,



01 June, 2007 19:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the rain stops and another rainbow appears for you!

02 June, 2007 15:11  
Blogger jill said...

and that you get your ass home soon. because your house is not empty but we miss you. (thais says hi, we miss you, come home. she's making cranes out of sudokus.)

02 June, 2007 15:47  
Blogger Col said...

Ok, I ahve to be fast- out of time..
I saw a horribl;e car wreck yesterday, right infront of my eyes... I was looking out of the bus at a car next to us stopped in a traffic jam when another hit it from behind at full speed. It was bad- real bad. I tried to get off the bus to help, but the bus driver wouldn't let me. Said he couldn't juist leave me there and drive away. I miss you all. It was terrible. Please be safe- I love you all and want to come home to see you all safe, and soon.



03 June, 2007 03:49  
Blogger Col said...

I'm driving up the west coast of the South island, only 2 days away from home. The scenery is amazing- huge towering mountains covered in snow and forrest with clouds creeping through the valleys and spilling over the peaks. Every Five minutes I pull over to snap 50 pictures- I think I've taken more photo's on this trip than in the past 5 years combined.

Seeing as I have no real itinerary (other than I knopw that I need to be back in christchurch tomorrow to returrn the car, I just drive till I find someplace to spend the night- The first night I ended up in this really really nice B&B with a huge room all to myself- last night I was in this total dump of a place- I think I still had my road vision on- you know, the tunnel vision that comes from driving long hours at night where you only see whats right in front of you?- because all i saw was the bed and I said "I'll take it"- about 20 minutes later I finally realized the David-Lynch-esque red carpet, bare light bulb lighting, and the one electricity outlet- so it was either the hearter, or a bad bedside lamp- I choose the heater amd read by the light of my flashlight for the rest of the night. And talk about creepy people! I kinda laughed when this guy in the happenin' town of Twizel (in the middle of nowhere) told me "Them West Coasters are weird..." But damn if he wasn't right! The people running this place look like some breeding experiment ala Dr. Moroeu gone wrong!

BAck on Saturday- see you guys soon.



06 June, 2007 15:44  

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