This was one of many fantastic messages we found floating on a sushi boat during dinner last night. I love how a good sense of humor can come out of the middle of nowhere. And a sushi bar might be the only place you can trade notes (and food) with people you've never met and have it actually be acceptable.
Then I learned about body shots.
Quote of the night:
"She's just so...so...gay." ---Gina, about one of our ex nursing school classmates
*She's* gay? Don't tease me with dish like that. ::grin::
hehehe...Sushi, body shots and outing all in one night!...i'll try less salt next time;) Wish your beautiful no-longer-babies a HAPPY, HAPPY Brithday for me! Don't forget to remind yourself how beautiful you are today.
less salt? don't you mean more? :)
Hmmmm.... who could it be? I wanna know! Happy Bday to the twins! This is MY last year without a teenager (Glenn turns 13 next year). Wow.
so i didn't realize that quote would cause such a stir! it's out of context, so it's not meant to out anyone, i swear. she's admittedly gay. it was just so funny the way gina said it.
betty...or veronica...whoever you are...you can vouch for the humor factor, i'm sure.
and radha...when glenn turns 13, we will need to go to an ashram for 3 months for sure. thank god i have 3 more years.
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