You know you're a mother of 8 year olds when the only kind of cereal left in the cupboard to add to your yogurt in the morning is Clifford Crunch. It's actually really good, but still - cereal in the shape of bones and fish that comes in a box with a picture of a big red dog should be eaten status post bong hits, no?
Don't forget to call your mom this weekend (if you can). And if you can't, feel free to call mine.
I just have to comment on that cereal...It too much! I mean, do the twins ask for a bong hit after seeing that box, cause that was the first thing that came to my mind! And its even organic!!!OMG!!! can you collect the box tops and then send away for a limited edition clifford / Jerry t-shirt? That would be awesome...
...no i didn't say casey jones, i said clifford's bones...
whole foods. they're on sale, and they come with nag champa and a free incense holder in the shape of a dancing bear.
my twins will NEVER do bong hits. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER.
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