a real hiatus

I'll be back when finals are over. I have nothing to say anyway except compartment syndrome and FES must suck, I'm glad I never broke my femur, and I can't believe I have to give a 20 minute presentation on Friday.
Wish me luck on my drug test tomorrow...
Good luck on finals everyone...and if you don't have finals, send reinforcements.
"any history of drug or alcohol abuse?"
Well...that's a tough choice.....
not me. Although I did break my femur in second grade. the break was so high up I had 2 choices: surgery to put pemanent pins in place, or be in a body cast for 8 weeks. Needless to say, i was a mummie for holloween.
And just *hic* to make a suggeshtion, *hic*
You guys shhould be lik our group, *hic*
Have yur pressentashuns *hic* at a bar...
Its a LOT more fun than being in class..
plus, you can start drinking as soon as your done going over your article.*hic*....and then sleep the rest of the day (like I did).
...wheres the excedrin, damit?
fuck luck - we are gonna rock these finals the mothafuck out - and thats my word - we own this shit
dude...i broke my collarbone in 2nd grade. it sucked. no pins or a body cast but a brace made out of these things that looked like backpack straps that hurt like hell.
no bars for our presentations. a pink room at the CON. damn, you are done with clinicals, huh.
i like your attitude girlfriend. i like your sister too...she's quiet. is she adopted?
Good luck on all of it dahlin'.
See ya on the flip side
chrissssss xoxoxo
i miss you!
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