Babies that are tachycardic and sweaty and have intense tremors and cannot stop crying because they are withdrawing from narcotics and nicotine a few hours after birth and have to start taking methadone when they are 6 hours old freak me out. Well, the babies don't necessarily freak me out; the parents do. Also, asshole fathers who tell their wives, "stop whining about your pain and hold your son" after a crash section need to go to hell. Besides making root beer floats on the down-low and turning off all the lights in the nursery except for the Pyxus and comparing weird stories about violent, stalker ex-boyfriends (which we all had, interestingly enough), it was not a fun night.

I'm far from the perfect mother, but I can honestly say that all my babies were withdrawing from after their entrance to that hospital in California was sauteed tofu, nutritional yeast gravy, brussels sprouts with bbq sauce, and KFC cole slaw, so it's just out of my comfort zone.

And look...they seem to have gotten through it. (They both love tofu and gravy, but hate KFC cole slaw, and Zack loves brussels sprouts, btw.)
I'm now going to play solitaire online til I fall asleep. Hope everyone's well.
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