hey nineteen
The cuervo gold
The fine columbian
Make tonight a wonderful thing
Ok, so since it's gay pride weekend, I thought I'd holla to anyone who's family and write another gay blog. I remember when I was in college the first time around and I worked at the Union and the 10% Society used to have their dances there. I asked my (flamingly gay) friend and Stiftskeller co-worker Steve once:
Me: What's the 10% society? (Come on, I was 19 and so uncool...)
Steve: It's a club for queens, babygirl.
Me: (Thinking that the queens were somehow related to the Jewish American Princesses with whom I was so familiar) What's with the 10%? An interest rate?
Steve: 10% of the population is a queen, baby. Or a dyke.
Me: (Lightbulb going on) Ahhh. Really? 10%? (Looking around at maybe 30 people in the Stift, doing the math...)
Steve: Probably more men than that getting sweet honey out of the rock.
Me: Women belong too?
Steve: Yes ma'am.
Me: (Clearing throat, jappily innocent) Ok, next time you see a lesbian will you point her out? I've never seen one.
Steve: (Rolling eyes) Yes girlfriend...I can even set you up with Bunny, my good friend who rolls her own and rides a Harley...
He totally opened up my world to fabulous gay people, and he didn't care that I was young and ignorant and jappy (see #2) as hell. Anyway, obviously I came around (and out and then back in again, but still). I went to the parade once in San Francisco with my ex. But I don't look gay, and in fact, at a gay pride parade, you'd think that I would blend into the woodwork since everyone looks different, but I stuck out like a jap on a pig farm.
Interesting thing I learned about myself today: Today I was told (several times) that I'm uncool (like I don't already know that, and doesn't that picture up there of me at age 19 kinda confirm that?). But just the fact that someone would take the time to make sure I knew I was uncool is cool enough for me. So thanks. And bon voyage.
Quote of the day: God have mercy on the woman who is friends with, in love with, hanging out with, or in any way involved with the man who doubts what he's sure of. ---the Boss, sort of...
The fine columbian
Make tonight a wonderful thing
Ok, so since it's gay pride weekend, I thought I'd holla to anyone who's family and write another gay blog. I remember when I was in college the first time around and I worked at the Union and the 10% Society used to have their dances there. I asked my (flamingly gay) friend and Stiftskeller co-worker Steve once:

Steve: It's a club for queens, babygirl.
Me: (Thinking that the queens were somehow related to the Jewish American Princesses with whom I was so familiar) What's with the 10%? An interest rate?
Steve: 10% of the population is a queen, baby. Or a dyke.
Me: (Lightbulb going on) Ahhh. Really? 10%? (Looking around at maybe 30 people in the Stift, doing the math...)
Steve: Probably more men than that getting sweet honey out of the rock.
Me: Women belong too?
Steve: Yes ma'am.
Me: (Clearing throat, jappily innocent) Ok, next time you see a lesbian will you point her out? I've never seen one.
Steve: (Rolling eyes) Yes girlfriend...I can even set you up with Bunny, my good friend who rolls her own and rides a Harley...
He totally opened up my world to fabulous gay people, and he didn't care that I was young and ignorant and jappy (see #2) as hell. Anyway, obviously I came around (and out and then back in again, but still). I went to the parade once in San Francisco with my ex. But I don't look gay, and in fact, at a gay pride parade, you'd think that I would blend into the woodwork since everyone looks different, but I stuck out like a jap on a pig farm.
Interesting thing I learned about myself today: Today I was told (several times) that I'm uncool (like I don't already know that, and doesn't that picture up there of me at age 19 kinda confirm that?). But just the fact that someone would take the time to make sure I knew I was uncool is cool enough for me. So thanks. And bon voyage.
Quote of the day: God have mercy on the woman who is friends with, in love with, hanging out with, or in any way involved with the man who doubts what he's sure of. ---the Boss, sort of...
ok...as far as un-cool-dom is concerned...takes one to know one.
pillows indeed.
but you don't have to try, you just ARE uncool. i have to actually work at it.
and pillows...ahhh nevermind.
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