02 July 2006

post-slumber thoughts

Ok, so I'm thinking that I'm pretty much there for people when they need me and I don't really just bail on people unless they use me for illegal acquisitions like cocaine or they try to kill me. So I don't think I'm doing the pot/kettle/black/sticky thing writing this.

But...I can't deal with people who try to get into an elevator before the people in the elevator can get out. Rude. I'm also pissed off at people who I get really close to and then they blow me off when something better comes along, then come back months later and expect me to just pick up where we left off, and then be all obnoxious when I say no way, nuh uh. I might have to change my cell phone number.

Some people are selfish fucks. Don't any of you be that way or I'll kill you.


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