Shattered, shattered
Love and hope and sex and dreams
Are still surviving on the street
Look at me, Im in tatters
Im a shattered
As if sitting at Winning's today with Colin and Katie discussing disappointment, lost love, and boredom, and shooing away flies and people begging for change and smokes wasn't enough to make my heart heavy, I stop to get my weekly news fix and find that my utopian view of the world has been shattered further by this news. Mel Gibson: no longer sex symbol, now dumbass.
When I said today to shoot me if I ever became known as the crazy coffee shop baristee, please also shoot me if I ever end up on the CNN homepage for getting a DWI. Did I mention he's a dumbass?
Also, if I'm ever sitting on a street corner playing old folk songs from my Rise Up Singing songbook, haul my ass off to any place where there's a cage and feed me, water me, and shoot me up with antipsychotics until I regain my sanity. (Unless it is "On Top of Spaghetti." Cuz when I was in 2nd grade, Sheryl Selby and I sat on big red rubber balls and covered ourselves with jumpropes and sang that song and won the damn talent show. So...)
KT...hang in there. What's that saying...when you got lemons, make lemonade? Or when someone slams a door in your face there's always an open window close by through which you can escape? (I know that's wrong...I'm an Old Testament kinda girl.)
Colin...if you ask me to run away with you one more time, I just might, even though astrologically we are as incompatible as shaved heads and fake ta-tas. But sailing off to Alaska or fleeing to hot springs in Colorado both sound oh so nice right now...
Love and hope and sex and dreams
Are still surviving on the street
Look at me, Im in tatters
Im a shattered
As if sitting at Winning's today with Colin and Katie discussing disappointment, lost love, and boredom, and shooing away flies and people begging for change and smokes wasn't enough to make my heart heavy, I stop to get my weekly news fix and find that my utopian view of the world has been shattered further by this news. Mel Gibson: no longer sex symbol, now dumbass.
When I said today to shoot me if I ever became known as the crazy coffee shop baristee, please also shoot me if I ever end up on the CNN homepage for getting a DWI. Did I mention he's a dumbass?
Also, if I'm ever sitting on a street corner playing old folk songs from my Rise Up Singing songbook, haul my ass off to any place where there's a cage and feed me, water me, and shoot me up with antipsychotics until I regain my sanity. (Unless it is "On Top of Spaghetti." Cuz when I was in 2nd grade, Sheryl Selby and I sat on big red rubber balls and covered ourselves with jumpropes and sang that song and won the damn talent show. So...)
KT...hang in there. What's that saying...when you got lemons, make lemonade? Or when someone slams a door in your face there's always an open window close by through which you can escape? (I know that's wrong...I'm an Old Testament kinda girl.)
Colin...if you ask me to run away with you one more time, I just might, even though astrologically we are as incompatible as shaved heads and fake ta-tas. But sailing off to Alaska or fleeing to hot springs in Colorado both sound oh so nice right now...
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