A message to Jenny and Dave...if you find me a fantastic rent-controlled apartment big enough for my family (including Ursy) for under $2000 in the city (not in the Tenderloin or near the airport, preferably by the panhandle or near North Beach) I will move back. Ok? Get right on that. And find yourself a groovy near-the-river house in the city as well cuz I don't wanna be 5 hours from you...I wanna live next door. (God, this is all so tempting. Exhub, is this tempting? A few hours from Roseburg? In Mt. Shasta? No tall buildings? A few hours from the ocean? Ice cold mountain water? Jenny & Dave? Fresh-brewed Peet's Coffee? Stewart Springs? Diane's garden? Should I go on?)

Here are the 3rd and 4th cutest kids in the world, Fiona and Rowan. (I had to blog some cute peeps that I love so I can stop obsessing about people being trapped in rubble under tall buildings. I seriously need like a 9/11 support group at the moment.) Anyway, I plan on hanging in Cali after graduation for awhile after the kids finish 4th grade (omg, 4th grade). So it is definitely possible I will never come home. Well, I guess that is home. Anyway...
Lots of love to all of you...I miss you.
That DOES sound good...
It was so great to hear from you! I'll write you a full email soon, and re-send pictures of our kids, who *ahem* apparently are not in your top four cutest!
oh wait...i meant those are the 3rd and 4th cutest kids on the west coast above 2,000 feet in elevation.
I love Mt. Shasta, et al, but moving sucks and moving to another state sucks times infinity.
true. but come on. i'll make you a list of all the great things about it and then we'll see how you feel about it then.
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