01 August 2006

Last night the hospital was just a little much for me to take. Heroin addicted mothers giving birth to babies with birth defects who become methadone dependent in a matter of 12 hours make me really sad. And make me wanna hug my kids.

So tonight Zack and Michaela and I talked about how much we love each other and then I made them pancakes in cool shapes. They thought they were incredible. We had letters and lightsabers and smiley faces and one big, plate-sized heart that we all shared because "we each have a part of each other's heart." I wish everyone could have kids like mine.

Hey, did you guys hear we're getting a Kohl's Department Store? That's like...better than the Trader Joe's news!

Quote of the day: "You are clearly underpaid, like teachers and tax professionals." ---my friend who is a tax professional (the sexy word for accountant), after I told him about my crazy night in the hospital. Sha. Like accountants aren't skimmin' off the top...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pardonnez-moi, but i believe sexy term for accountant would be number massager.
Or, maybe figure fondler. put those in your pocket protector.

02 August, 2006 10:26  

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