22 October 2006

homophobia at its finest

Fucked up quote of the night: "They have a choice, and they should choose NOT to be gay. What a sad, sad life." ---one of the nurses at work. Not even gonna try to touch that one...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thats alot worse then "phonophobia"- the fear of phonographs.

Or "Agirzoophobia"- the fear of wild animals
or "Alextorophobia" - the fear of chickens
or "batophobia"- the fear of high buildings
or "bergophobia" the fear of jews.
or "Chrematophobia" the fear of money
or Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge.
or Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese
or Kosmikophobia- Fear of cosmic phenomenon
Lutraphobia- Fear of otters.
or Muriphobia- Fear of mice (you have this, J.)
or Proctophobia- Fear of rectums
or Proctophobia- Fear of rectums
or Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat

...Zmmiphobia...yeah I'm afraid I have that one...har har.

23 October, 2006 10:27  
Blogger jill said...

you have muriphobia too, no? you freaked out and screamed at a mouse not in your house (not on a plane or a train) but in your GARAGE. and one MUCH smaller than the northeast heights resident mouse.

i have no fear of otters or mole rats.

bergophobia. how about antibergophobia, the fear of jew haters?

you must really have proctophobia...you mentioned it twice. that's cool.

ok, i'll blog phobias. hang on.

23 October, 2006 11:30  

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