10 October 2006

jaded and cynical

I busted my ass for my kids last night to save their asses from something that would have been bad (not badass, just bad). Now they are back to true hellion form. I'm sick of doing stuff for people or being there for people or getting close to people and having them not care or appreciate it or take off or whatever.

But so I don't get all negative, here's what I'm thankful for at the moment:

1. Thank god the last couple nights (before tonight) were really fun. (Thanks Katie, Colin, Ari...)

2. Thank god for these painkillers one of the FNP's at work brought me back from Mexico. Good for muscle aches when you fall in the shower and it still hurts and heartache when you lose one of your bff's and they just don't seem to care.

3. Thank god our peds rotation is over and that I made it through my evaluation with Theresa unscathed. Although, she did move her chair over at lunch today and then sit on it on my TOES. OUCH. (So again, see #2.)

4. Thank god for this woman. We can now feed a family on $45/month and make our own homemade pads.

5. Thank god for Melissa who was in my OB/peds rotation and is now in my Oncology rotation starting next week. She is so cool. For her honors project, she's gathering information for low income health care (see #4).

6. Thank god today wasn't a stupid bank holiday from which none of us benefit (in fact it's just annoying because you can't go to the fucking bank) cuz I love mail, and I got a very cute birth announcement from Gary and Shannon.

7. Thank god in less than 3 months the holidays will be over.

8. Thank god for Netflix so I can occupy my time with the entire series of the Gilmore Girls for the next few months.

9. Thank god for baseball playoffs. I hope the Tigers win.


Blogger kates said...

easy tiger,

i will have you know you are much appreciated, thanks a million, seriously. so chin up and i will see you manana.

11 October, 2006 20:28  
Blogger jill said...

i feel so inconsequential sometimes, but thanks.

11 October, 2006 23:01  

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