today's top 10 (14) list

1. I love the red chile in the hospital cafeteria. In fact, I'm actually considering sending a big container of it to a friend far away for his birthday just cuz I rave about red chile and theirs might be the best in town. (Thank god he doesn't read my blog anymore so it will still be a surprise.)
2. I love that I have a locker and even though I can't keep a stash in there cuz I share it with a nice, professional midwife from South Africa, I don't have to carry around my stethoscope, tape, scissors, hemostats, toothbrush, and extra scrubs.
3. Apparently Fridays at UNMH are "Cobbler Fridays!" I don't know this because I am only at the hospital on Fridays until 7:45 am, but I guess they have apple, cherry, and peach cobbler and vanilla and strawberry ice cream. It's a cobbler bar, like where they have the green chile chicken quesadillas and the morning burrito bar. Unreal.
4. My nurse manager and all the charge nurses on my floor are amazing. Heroin addicts? No problem. 8 months pregnant and going out to smoke? No problem. Twins under double bank bililights in couplet care? No problem. You need it? We'll do it...well, friendly, and nonjudgmentally. Orders from the top.
5. Some hospitals make you wear specific colored scrubs so everyone can tell you're a nurse. Not UNMH. You can wear any scrubs you want, as long as they're clean and presentable and your bra, cleavage, navel, midriff, or lower back is not showing. That is per our manager. "Show off your credentials, not your tits!" (I'm paraphrasing, but the mass email was fantastic.)
6. I love the coffee cart on the 3rd floor. They make really yummy nonfat lattes.
7. UNMH is the only level 1 trauma center, the only level 3 NICU, and the only hospital that will take high-risk antepartum women in New Mexico. So all these other hospitals that employ our classmates who are dissing UNMH...they're sending us their patients.
8. I love that it's a teaching hospital. You can make a medication error (shhhhh), feel really, really bad about it, consider never giving meds again, and have the relief charge nurse say to you, "Jill, let me be the first to tell you that this might be your first medication error, but it ain't gonna be your last. Shut up and go take a break." Supportive. (I didn't kill her, by the way, just gave her some narcotics that she shouldn't have had but I'm sure is still thanking me.)
9. I love the newborn nursery. It's big and has comfy chairs where you can go rock babies in the middle of the night. They're always playing good music (except when Maria and Kortney turn on country crap) and there's always good conversation. Also, there are huge heaters where they keep blankets, shirts, and hats for the babies so when you're freezing, you can go in there and warm up.
10. You can speak broken, entry-level Spanish to your patients and they appreciate it and talk back in broken, entry-level English. There is not this attitude that they should learn English cuz they're in our country. I am learning some Spanish, enough to find out if my patients are in pain, if they're hungry, and when their baby last ate. Very cool.
11. I love that I run into my friends in the stairwell. It's not like Grey's Anatomy where the stairwells are all plush and glass and everyone's making out, but it is not uncommon to see lots of people I know while running up and down from the cafeteria, the coffee cart, and Labor and Delivery to Mother/Baby.
12. I love that room 455 on our floor is supposedly haunted. I love getting assigned patients in that room. I'm crossing my fingers for tonight. that superstitious?

14. I love the tube system. It is so cool that you can call a doc and request some orders for a patient and they'll tube them up to you in minutes. Katie was gonna tube a note from the Peds Clinic to 4 East to ask Nathan if he wanted to have lunch one day. I ran into a house officer in the cafeteria last weekend who was pissed off cuz they were out of yogurt, and I said, "We've got tons on our floor." And she said, "Can you tube me some to Labor and Delivery?" Amazing. Too bad we can't tube ourselves to like Phoenix.
I know there are lots more reasons, but those are just a few. I might never leave that "welfare hospital" (as my mother calls it).
Phoenix? Why not the Canary Islands?
Hey lets produce a sci fi movie about the tube system at UNMH? Tube system time travel, like A wrinkle in time meets greys anatomy?
Until I plan to vacation at work, you can keep your Club Med Hospital.
Hey how bout the UNMH freebies: pedometer, hand sanitizer (with convenient carrying case), and trippy UNMH mandala playing cards. (NOte: UNMH does not condone gambling or Chinese child labor/sweatshop practices.)
and also who else out there is making brand spanky new vaginas for the vaginaless, well other than those docs up there in Trinidad?
ok fine, the canary islands. and phoenix.
i'm all about that movie, as long as it stars sock puppets.
you forgot a few freebies...mesh underwear and the weird chapstick in the carrying case that when you open it, it looks like an erection. nice.
oh, and i can do all my banking on the 2nd floor lobby. top that.
well, yeah, that is incredible. imagine if that was mcdreamy down there between your legs.
Oh, I LOVE the mesh underwear, and toothbrushes, and those sterile field clothes from the PICC kit that I use as dish towels!
wait til someone makes edible mesh underwear. yum.
what about unlimited graham crackers, cereal, 3 kinds of milk, and 4 kinds of juice?
and Sprite!
you have SPRITE??? no fair. but we have turkey sandwiches and flu shots. so there.
i want to try the red chile!!
Ahem: I'd just like to point out that "other area hospitals" have 4 kinds of milk, 4 kinds of juice, all the grahm crackers, saltines, peanut butter you can eat, tube systems, yoghurt, killer soups, and the compasonate oncology staff in the greater Abq area. Oh yeah, and the hottest nursing instructors of any hospital, the best veiws from the PICU, and has magnet status, which your lvl. 1 trauma center is just a mere candidate for.
I once tubed down a frozen, 10 week old lump of cauliflower down to the lab with a label that said "Possible Genital Wart?" and got a reply an hour later that read "Test Result Negative. Dx: Cryogenicly Preserved Vegitable Matter."
Your mother is insane. Have you and Dori discussed exactly when you're going to put her way in her old age? ( I say the sooner the better.)
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