01 January 2007

let the bowl games begin...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...cool...whoever's wearing that shirt..if it's a woman, her ta-tas are en-scon-ced.

Oh I see they beat that tough 3-loss Razorback squad. What happened, Army, Northwestern or Columbia weren't bowl-eligible?

If they played The Ohio State University or Big Blue, the spread would be off the board.

01 January, 2007 16:13  
Blogger jill said...

it's a big, comfy jammy shirt. back off my ta-tas.

hey! how are the jaspers doing this year?

01 January, 2007 16:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jasper College is probably 1/10th the size of Cheesehead Tech, so comparing their sports programs is like comparing two things that are like 1/10th the size of the other thing.
And they are still the 3rd best team in the Big 10.

02 January, 2007 05:35  
Blogger jill said...

u paid a LOT of money for an education with no football saturdays.

still...let's compare apples and oranges. in a rose bowl where the badgers play the jaspers, i'm curious...who would win?

02 January, 2007 07:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scholarship, but thanks.

No football team, but thanks anyway.

02 January, 2007 07:51  
Blogger jill said...

ergo...by default, wisconsin wins. again.

02 January, 2007 08:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, ergo.

02 January, 2007 08:26  
Blogger jill said...

it's cool...u can have the last word.

02 January, 2007 09:07  

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