16 February 2007

Other quote of the day: "In your parlance......a baby just turned blue and his mother is in D-Fib." ---a non-medical friend, trying to convey the business of his morning by making an analogy to what might make me busy at work.


Blogger Col said...

In sympathy fr that persons shitty day, I came up with the followng wishes for them, depending on their job (or just pick the closest)

I hope they get their taxes straightened out (tax attourney), they find those missing kids (day care), or they find some way to move 200lbs of rock (drug dealer).

If its any conslation to them, and you, I just had to listen to 12 back-to-back renditions of patsy cline singing Crazy. After the frst 6, I REALLY know what she's talking about.

That and the coffee counter staff were discussing a YouTube video of a woman defecating on her head.Serious.

Decaf for them for now on. Oy vey.

16 February, 2007 19:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are sweet wishes. thanks, colin.

i was thinking...satellite on louisiana? why oh why do you they play that song over and over and over? makes me crazy. ha ha.

hope it was fun. i'm making chicken soup, running hot baths, and cuddling small people.

16 February, 2007 20:46  

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