the pathophysiology paper i never wrote

So there actually is a condition called stress cardiomyopathy, or "broken heart syndrome." When something horrible happens to you, your body responds by going into fight or flight (or fright or fuck). Your brain produces mass quantities of stress hormones as a defense (to help you run from the tiger). You have piles of adrenaline and other stress hormones in your system that basically stun your heart, causing weakness of the muscle, and making doctors think (erroneously) that you're having a heart attack.
Fortunately, it's reversible (is that fortunate?), which is why our broken hearts mend. And like childbirth and tattoos, it's painful; yet we choose to potentially put ourselves through the experience over and over and over...

Happy Hallmark holiday.
How many days til school's out: 69
How many days til my favorite non-Hallmark holiday, Purim: 15
How many cranes I have folded: 676
How many shots of Hemlock it would have been fun to do tonight: about 30
How many times Ursy has coughed tonight: 0
How itchy I am right now: really, really itchy
How unhappy I am about this: very
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