So today was the big reception. Michaela's teacher, art teacher, and school librarian came and brought her gifts, and she got an award that some APS art teacher gives out every year in the memory of her mother. Then she got to read her poem out loud to a room full of people.
It is cool to win contests and get recognized for things. It is way cooler when it happens to your kid.

Way to go Michaela!!!!! I think I'll ask you mom for your autograph, you just might be famous someday!!.
Way to go Little K. See you at the par-tay tonight.
-Big K
It's moments like these that make all the difficulties of parenting seem like nothing. Michaela, 'proud' is not strong enough an adjective to describe how I feel (maybe you could help me with that, as you have a talent for selecting them). You rocked our world this week!
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