16 April 2007

does anyone ever win on deal or no deal?

Class today was a blast. I hate when we have to spend all this time doing projects and presentations that aren't even exciting enough to keep the instructors awake. Jen... she rocks. She slept through the whole thing and didn't even try to hide it. I have never fallen asleep in class cuz I'm way too nervous that I would do something really embarrassing in my sleep. Use your imagination here.

Anyway, here's Melissa and me taking pictures of each other taking pictures of Jen. Maybe we should send them to her, too, so she can post the cleavage shot on her myspace or something.

The blog log:
How many days til school is done: 7
How many tests we have left: just the NCLEX
How many papers: 0
How many presentations: 1
On a scale of 0-10 with 0 being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt, how painful that presentation is going to be for our captive audience: 27
How many people told me I look beautiful and healthy because of my sunburn: about 8
How ridiculous that is for people in this field: extremely
How many times I was called a dimwit today: I think 3
How much smarter I am than the person who called me a dimwit: exponentially, but I'd still want him to be one of my phone-a-friends
How many titty pictures I posted to my myspace today: 0
How many days til graduation: 25
How many days til the Indigo Girls concert: 31
How many other things I have to look forward to: I can't think of any except as soon as I can figure out when to go, I'm going back to that beach


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog has been a good source of cleavage lately.

not that i need that to stay interested or anything...but it's an agreeable bonus.

congrats on finishing clinicals! the end is so very near...

17 April, 2007 10:24  
Blogger jill said...

cool, i aim to please.

you will not see mine on here though. yuck.

17 April, 2007 11:00  
Blogger Col said...

you know, that pic of Jen looks like she's sniffing her boobs.

17 April, 2007 13:32  
Blogger jill said...

yes, i've seen her do that often, colin.

17 April, 2007 16:37  

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