totally shitty news
Ok...if I ever take a bathroom break at work and it ends up on the main CNN web page because I've done something as impactual as delayed the landing time of planes transporting lungs, shoot me. Actually, if I ever have a job where I have to call someone in Boston and tell them I'm going to the bathroom, you can shoot me then as well. Although, like nurses even have time to pee.
That is totally crazy! I would hate to be the one in the bathroom...I wonder if they radioed him to tell him that his bathroom break was killing someone waiting for lungs...? Poor guy!
you'd be getting paged in the circ room. (can you imagine spending 18 minutes in the circ room bathroom?)
that bathroom is horribly small! if at all possible i think i would leave the unit and text message you if i get paged with something urgent! one reason we need to keep our cell phones with us at all times!
yes, we should run that past danielle.
i'm in the nursery tonight with norma. could work be any better?
yeah...instead of new born babies, you could be taking care of puppies.
That would be pretty cool.
im thinking of moving back to madison, would you miss me?
I'm sorry I didn't get the message and bring you mint tea. You know i would if you ever needed it. Kelly's was loud, and you kept fading in and out. I don't know if that was because the signal wasn't good, or the ambiance. Anyways, if you can manage to meet me sometime tomrrow, that would be cool. It's been a while since we caught up on life occurences, and I miss that.
And don't you think that it would be cool if the nursery took care of puppies instead of babies? OH, you could call it the 'mother-puppy' floor. I could definetly work there.
i thought you musta been too drunk to hear me. next time i will be more aggressive about my need for mint tea.
yes, it's been awhile. it feels like everyone has sort of disappeared.
ok, tomorrow it is. we should talk about leadership and management and see if we can't pass that test on monday. cuz lord knows i haven't paid attention once.
test? We have a test?
Leader-what? Managmormomo..?
We've been going to class? I thought that was just a place everyone went to A) use the internet to blog, B) Knitt, or C) sleep. Am I wrong?
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