29 June 2007

at least one thing went right today...


Blogger Robb said...

Congrats! I'm so jealous, I still have two more weeks to go...

29 June, 2007 05:32  
Blogger jill said...

thank you! you will be fine, i'm sure. if i can pass it, anyone can.

i was gonna write a comment on your blog about rallying against the torture that one must go through from the time the nclex shuts off until the time you get your results, but then i saw the really serious comment and thought maybe it wasn't appropriate.

however, i think it's a damn good idea. and i'd be on the front lines picketing and burning my bra. or whatever.

now with my boards behind me, colin and i are that much closer to coming to visit. he wants to just come for lunch...i'm down for such an extravagance, and i've never been to DC.

good luck!

29 June, 2007 08:30  
Blogger Michele T. said...

But was there ever any doubt?? Not from me :-))))

Congratulations well deserved!!


29 June, 2007 10:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats girl! i know you could do it! how exciting!

29 June, 2007 10:59  
Blogger Col said...

I just looked for ticket prices... it's around $300, so maybe we should go for more than just lunch.

29 June, 2007 14:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome jill! congratulations! :D

29 June, 2007 15:42  
Blogger jill said...

but wait...did i mention i got 265 asshole questions?????

265. like i told colin as i was lying in bed crying afterwards, 265 is a fine IQ, but not a good number of NCLEX questions.

i will never let my license lapse. EVER.

29 June, 2007 15:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well congrats to you J.F.RN!!! So 265 questions huh....thanks for the angina, as if I needed anymore reasons to drink daily

05 July, 2007 21:06  
Blogger jill said...

well like if you're gonna drink call me up and i'll join you...

06 July, 2007 04:19  

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