Harvard...the Wisconsin of the east

Varsity! Varsity!
U-rah-rah! Wisconsin!
Praise to thee we sing
Praise to thee our Alma Mater
U-rah-rah, Wisconsin!
Nevermind about Marquette. Damn Golden Eagles. I feel bad for those poor kids who pay $25K every year for tuition just to see their team lose in the first round.
Michigan's in the NIT. I'm rooting against them just cuz it's fun to call my dad and gloat. I'm pulling for Manhattan to go all the way, just because I'm sure some of them have that cool, sexy Ed Burns accent. (p.s. when I was looking for the bumper sticker link, I found this blog entry about Michigan sucking. Does anyone notice...this idiot got 250 comments to his blog posting. Oh my...)
Zack and Kaela were having a conversation on the way home from baseball practice tonight about powers. I asked what my power was, and they said it was love and taking care of people. See, when they say stuff like that, how am I supposed to feel ok about selling them into white slavery? Aight, they can stay for now. Maybe I'll buy them a pony. Maybe not...
Quote of the day: "My pussy." ---Katie...well that's new. I can't remember the context because I had just woken up I think...but I remember saying, "Did you just say your pussy?" and then we both laughed and laughed.....
i'd love to comment on the quote of the day....but order and balance are both dying breeds...so I will just say Manhattan will be done at about 1:15 tomorrow. They are playing maryland.
fuck order and balance...let em die. go manhattan!
I think I have to clear this up... I was referring to my wimpy patient from the previous week, not my anatomy.
P.S. Please punch me in the ovaries.
bring your ovaries to class tomorrow, i can help you out. or i can just give you the 8 year olds for a few days...
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