i have nothing to say but i haven't blogged in a week
See at the top right of your screen where it says "next blog?" Well, if you click on that, you'll get to check out some random person's blog. FYI...none of them are as funny as mine or Katie's. In case you were wondering.
Although the ILS instructor today was awesome, I'm sick of extern boot camp. I'm ready to start this damn job already. And I'm ready to go on vacation. 44 days til Florida, and I'm thinking of making that 3-day trip a week long.
Thais and I ate sushi the other night and she ordered this dragon roll. Can you believe that? What a work of art. Sadly, this picture does not do it justice, but we should go there again sometime just to see the sushi artist make it. (The eyes are octopus, the ears are cukes, the scales are roe and caviar...look closely.)
Zack had his last little game of the regular season tonight. I got to coach 3rd base (I'm really tan now). On his last at-bat I told him if he didn't hit Mikey home he'd be grounded for a month. Needless to say, he hit Mikey home, made the game leading RBI, and is not grounded. Nice.
Ok, hope you all are doing well. I realize I've seen (almost) no one lately but life's been crazy. Call me.
Although the ILS instructor today was awesome, I'm sick of extern boot camp. I'm ready to start this damn job already. And I'm ready to go on vacation. 44 days til Florida, and I'm thinking of making that 3-day trip a week long.

Zack had his last little game of the regular season tonight. I got to coach 3rd base (I'm really tan now). On his last at-bat I told him if he didn't hit Mikey home he'd be grounded for a month. Needless to say, he hit Mikey home, made the game leading RBI, and is not grounded. Nice.
Ok, hope you all are doing well. I realize I've seen (almost) no one lately but life's been crazy. Call me.
That dragon roll is a work of art. Shame you didn't try to invite me >_< . Anyway, in an attempt to hijack your blog through the comments section, I did some serious hiking over the holiday, though most of the trails were closed due to the fact of severe lack of rain.
Apparently, the danger of me farting in the woods and burning the sandias down was enough of a danger to keep me out of all of the non-desert trails. I wasn't so bad though, the cacti are almost blooming, and there were a bunch of hummingbirds; which are always fun. Those little guys have so much attitude, it's like "yeah, I ain't a half moutful... wanna make something of it?" little birds always have that attitude.
At CHTM things didn't go so well today. Got in the clean room, spun and exposed 3 samples, and then found out there was no more developer for the photoresist. At least I have a good excuse for why my sample isn't done. get to work on building the next testing machine.
Other than that, things went well, my secret double life had a much better day, but you are going to have to pry that secret out of me later.
Hey u...yeah, lots of trails roped off up on the crest, but Ursy didn't care to obey the yellow tape, and Colin and I considered breaking through. Maybe next time.
Hey, while I was at work today I was wondering...are the men's bathrooms pink like the women's? Or have they gender identified toileting and made them blue?
I'm ensconced in a huge pile of Bruce Springsteen bootlegs I just got today...it is 2 am and I can't turn off this amazing live version of Trapped. Damn, I cannot wait til Saturday. Someone please confiscate my iPod so I can go to bed...
We're out of AZ400K? Wtf? I will stop in tomorrow and try and find you some.
Hmmmm...your secret double life. I'm intrigued.
Did you see Andrew buried in a pile of candy wrappers today?
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