warning: mailing exotic animals is a felony...
Life has improved immensely since I figured out yesterday that extern boot camp is optional and that we can wear scrub dresses and t-shirts instead of scrub shirts to work in the Mother/Baby Unit. (Look at that link...you can get a free matching scrunchie. Fuck.) Anyway, thankfully I talked Katie (and Nathan, actually) into bailing on class today so we could resume doing nothing.
Our big errand (besides washing our cars) was going to the post office to mail a package. We were talking to the clerk about all the things you cannot send through the mail...
Clerk: One time someone tried to send a snake through the mail...they packed it in ice but it melted and made the box weak and the snake got out, so they had to chase it around the warehouse to catch it.
Us: What the fuck?
Clerk: Another time some guy sent an alligator to New York. It actually made it there, but then the alligator decided it had to go to the bathroom which weakened the box and the alligator got out.
Katie: Come on people...put a diaper on your alligator.
Ahhh. The highlight of the day. Thank god I start work on Monday. Until then, I might continue working on my line of animals made from cups. But that's a whole nother blog.
If anyone wants anything from Phoenix (or Winslow or wherever), let us know soon...we are leaving Saturday at 8 am. (Who wanted a t-shirt? Colin?)
Our big errand (besides washing our cars) was going to the post office to mail a package. We were talking to the clerk about all the things you cannot send through the mail...

Us: What the fuck?
Clerk: Another time some guy sent an alligator to New York. It actually made it there, but then the alligator decided it had to go to the bathroom which weakened the box and the alligator got out.
Katie: Come on people...put a diaper on your alligator.
Ahhh. The highlight of the day. Thank god I start work on Monday. Until then, I might continue working on my line of animals made from cups. But that's a whole nother blog.
If anyone wants anything from Phoenix (or Winslow or wherever), let us know soon...we are leaving Saturday at 8 am. (Who wanted a t-shirt? Colin?)
yes, colin wants a t-shirt. ...must....make...time....to meet! give...money...for shirt.... soo....lazzy...zzzzzzzz
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