Yesterday late in the afternoon on a whim Katie and I decided to just drive. We were gonna go to Santa Fe but when we got there we decided to go to Taos. But when we got to Taos we decided to drive up to
Cimarron, a little mountain town hundreds of miles from home to visit the boy scout camp where she used to (ahem) work. So 9 hours and 455 miles later, it was a much needed getaway after an exhausting weekend.
School started today. This morning's class was fine...but the evening class. Ugh. Thank god we at least get to do another play since our last one was such a big hit. We should hurry up and pick a topic, and maybe we can have someone videotape it for us with sock puppets like our other as-of-yet unmade rock opera about our adventures to New York City. Oh...one nice thing about school...I like being done mid-April instead of mid-May. No complaints here whatsoever.

Here's a picture of Gary and his son, Evan, who was born on the 4th of July. Gary is one of my all-time bff's from way back in Cali, and now he's enjoying the blahg. Thanks for the pictures (finally, although...ok, I found your email in my other email account that I never really look at. Oops.). Miss you a lot. Hi to Shan and Callie. Don't let Callie read the blahg.
Ok, this isn't funny, I'm in a bad mood, and I have nothing else to say. So I'm out.
Quote of the day:
"I drive a school bus." ---what a dumb fucking movie.
Yay, Evan and I made the blog!
What movie was that?
this ridiculous movie we had to watch in our family community class. so dumb. you woulda been pissed as hell.
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