peace not war

Today I read an article about how people are blaming the terrorist attacks on Bill Clinton's preoccupation with his potential impeachment and the cigar afficionada intern...that had he actually been present while leading our country, this might not have happened. Except for adamantly believing in the rights of women (come on...women should be able to play on men's soccer teams) and minorities, I'm not very political, so I can't intellectually argue who was at fault. But I'd hate to feel responsible for the events of 9/11, and I imagine it's hard for Bill to fall asleep.
In Judaism it is custom to light candles and say this prayer, the mourner's kaddish, on the anniversary of the death of a loved one. It's the least I can do to honor those who died. Thankfully, I didn't directly lose anyone in the terrorist attacks, but my heart goes out to people who did lose friends or loved ones or precious, irreplaceable belongings or some sense of security, or all of the above in just a few hours.
Personally I don't blame Clinton for 9/11. He made several attempts to get bin Laden (and also missed some opportunities). The current president, however, all but ignored the Clinton administration's warnings about terrorism threats (including the infamous August 2001 presidential daily breifing entitled "bin Laden determined to strike in the U.S.") until the morning of September 11, 2001.
didn't he still ignore stuff the morning of 9/11? i remember hearing he just continued reading to the classroom of young students for about 20 minutes before he actually decided it might be time to leave florida.
i think the bizarre thing is...clinton was busy getting laid...maybe not focused on his quite important position as president. maybe it's all monica's fault.
so you're gonna trash W because he wanted to see how the book ended?
Spot was running......come on now
ok, i won't fault bush for needing to know how "go, dog, go" ended. however, then the rest of the world need not fault clinton for wanting to finish what he was doing, which physiologically alone was more difficult to stop then putting down a book.
right, and what Bill and Monica did wasn't extra-marital sex, because he had no intention of ever marrying Monica.
Now, to be fair the book was about a goat, not a dog. Goats are fascinating creatures (did you know they have one eye each on the sides of their heads, not 2 facing forward?). Also, the alleged Monica distraction was disputed years ago and was the primary reason the Clinton people sucessfully lobbied ABC to have references to it excised from the "Path To 9/11" mini-series that aied a few days ago.
wow. that's not how it really works, right?
alleged monica distraction? what the fuck? that wasn't alleged. they were a distraction!
did you grow up with goats? i only remember louie and marie, but i think they were sheep.
In 1998 Clinton had an al-Queda training camp bombed in the Sudan in retaliation for the twin US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. This was 10 days before after Clinton made his infamous apology to the nation about his affair with Monica. What is disputed is not the affair but Clinton's motivation to bomb the training camp as a public diversion while the Starr investigation was coming to it' Thus the 'alleged Monica distraction'. Others still maintain that had Clinton paid less attention to the missle in his pants he would have been more on-the-ball (I just can't get away from the sexual innuendo here) in dealing with bin Laden, et al. Which is a big load of crap.
Yeah, we had goats. Smarter than sheep, but more ill-tempered. We had a nanny named Goldie who used to climb into our pick-up bed, then jump up on the cab and onto the carport roof. A goat on the roof...quite a sight (no, it did not have a fiddle...oy!).
OK, so we have Dem spin down maybe someone from Fox News can jump in and give the other side.
you need your own blog, exhub. #1. (that's funny, btw. #1. actually, i think i remember one time while we were married introducing you to someone as my first husband.)
oh and anonymous...perhaps you know someone at fox news that you could pass my blog address on to so we can get the right (wrong) spin.
Jilly, I will always and forever be your first husband and first ex-husband :)
FYI, I'm not a Democrat, but I do tend to err on the side of the truth, on which neither political party has a firm grasp. Monica-gate was an impending train wreck Clinton could not stop, no matter what he did. I find the idea of the bombing of the training camp as a political diversion a little ludicrous.
Yes, I do know someone at Fox News, but he scored like 720 on his SAT's, so I'm not sure he'd be much help here....much like me.
Oh...and I like how ex-hub double talked...just like Clinton....
"This was 10 days before after Clinton made his infamous apology to the nation about his affair with Monica."
Was it before or after?
he only got a 722? is that verbal and math combined? well, that's ok. any friend of yours is a friend of the blog. he's gotta have other redeeming qualities since you speak so highly of him.
btw, i did notice the exhub double talk. come on honey, fix the before after thing.
oh, and i guess it's possible you will be my 2nd husband and my 2nd exhusband too, huh.
oh and one more thing...i'm keeping the deoderant, you can't have it. i love it.
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