i need a googlectomy

1. You find them and they're really hot and then you wanna go FIND them...
2. You find them and they're hideously ugly and you wonder how much acid you must have been taking to find them attractive
3. You can't actually find anything about them and it drives you a bit nuts.
So anyway, here's what I've found so far tonight:
My childhood defining guy is married and has lost most of his hair, my on again off again high school guy is an attorney who represents famous people (famous, like Faith Hill and Creed), and the 18th birthday fiasco guy is out of prison and has his MBA. I'm gonna stop here. I'm afraid to keep looking.
Coming soon...Jill, in her boredom, googles college boyfriends.
Poem of the day, in reference to the post below:
they wear shirts that are bluish
these twins they are Jewish
Again, I love when my blog inspires the muse...
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