Today at the coffee shop some woman was doing an art project that required 54 people to write down a wish, attach it to a balloon, and let it go. Katie was really pissed off and made us feel guilty for doing it, but the rest of us really felt like we wanted to make a wish regardless of the seal/litter/fucked up factor of the whole thing. Sometimes you gotta weigh the pros and cons and hope you make the right choice. (Sorry, Katie. But look at it this way...if my wish comes true, not only will no animal be harmed by this project, I will someday not be crawling out of my skin. So you'll benefit indirectly.)
My window of opportunity for a road trip is gone. Last night we did the math (red wine + road trip = not a good idea) so I didn't go, even after Ari's mom sang, "
By the Time I Get to Phoenix" at karaoke. And while I was on the verge all day, here I am and now it's too late. If I made the wrong choice, I'm infinitely sorry. I really did consider it.
Quote of the day:
"I'm going to drive off a cliff after this class." ---Katie, during family class, after I told her to tell me not to drive to Phoenix after class. You can do anything for an hour.

Picture of the week: These dogs belong to my friend Kortney from work. Makes me wanna be a
dog. (Katie, read that link...it's the asshole cigarette blog!)
dirty, dirty puppy love.
they're spooning. that's not dirty. well...
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