17 November 2006

next semester: parenting 101

Ok all you childless people...here's my top 10 list of the week: the top 10 reasons why you should remain childless. Soon, perhaps, I will offset this list with the top 10 reasons why you should have kids, but I'm not there right now.

10. You actually get to pick the movie, and it can have sex, drugs, swearing, nudity, and other adult content in it

9. You can skip meals if you just don't feel like cooking and/or eating

8. You can work, study, play, or do whatever whenever you want

7. You can keep whatever you want in your nightstand drawer

6. Your laundry isn't exponential

5. The only fights you're gonna break up are the ones that are going on at the Frontier when you happen to be there at 2 am on Saturday morning

4. The only thing waking you up in the middle of the night is your bedmate, your dog/cat/ferret/whatever, your neighbors playing loud music, or your cell phone

3. If you meet a guy/girl/whatever and you wanna run away with them, you don't have other people to consider

2. You can live your life not knowing that your mother likes your kids more than she likes you

1. You don't ever have to go to parent/teacher conferences and hear all the stuff your kids aren't telling you

The blog log:
How many parent/teacher conferences I had today: 2
How many kids I'm taking to Itz to celebrate their stellar parent/teacher conferences: 0
How many hats I made last night at work: 2 1/2
How many pages of my family paper I have written: 0
How many I'm gonna write before I go to bed tonight: 5
Days til Thanksgiving: 6
Days til my birthday: 25
Days til Hanukah: 28
Days til Christmas: 38
Days til New Years: 45


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you ever have to deal with z&m BITING each other? that's our issue of the moment. a toddler biting a 4-month-old seems SO unfair.

17 November, 2006 21:49  
Blogger jill said...

maybe you guys should keep feeding callie even though you have a new baby.

no biting. thank goodness. never had to deal with that.

you're a twin...were you guys mean to each other?

17 November, 2006 22:04  

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