
So here are my 4th graders' 4th grade pictures. I remember starting to be a little awkward in 5th grade but I gotta say I think Kaela has me beat. She is cute though; not many people could get away with wearing that color green.
Life is mellow at casa de us tonight. No fighting, no screaming, and everyone loved dinner so no "I want quesadillas and tofu" tantrums.
This week I started IVs and gave lots of chemo. My oncology rotation might be one of the hardest things I've ever done. Although it's already been exciting...we've had ranting charge nurses, needle sticks, codes, really horrible decubs, and flat tires...and it's only our 2nd week. (By the way, none of those things happened to me.)
My bedtime is getting earlier and earlier...last night I thought 9:50 was outrageous, but I'm ready to pass out now...well, as soon as The Rich List is over. At some point this semester, I will start studying.
Hope everyone is well.
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