st. anthony, st. anthony i'm searching for a compliment

I, for the most part, am an upstanding citizen
I try not to ever lie to people
I try to be there whenever people need me
I don't steal (except the occasional dark chocolate from my kids' Halloween baskets)
I pay my bills on time
I put my kids before myself the vast majority of the time
I take my puppy to the dog park
I take care of people who are dying by day and people who are being born by night
I don't use people for personal gain
I don't make decisions regarding what I will or will not get out of something
And I don't withhold information from people because I'm afraid they might never talk to me again
And I do all these things not because I actually believe in hell and am trying to avoid being sent to the fiery afterlife of doom (no disrespect meant to St. Anthony or his peeps), but because I want to do the right thing even if it's not the easiest.
A few people have me a little bit convinced today that I'm selfish and I suck. I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not and I don't, cuz I know I'm not and I don't, but I'm gonna go drink a bottle of wine (given to me by a nurse at work who doesn't think I suck) and reclaim my self-worth and inner sense of peace.
Quote of the day: "It's really a case of being comfortable with yourself because that's who you have to live with." ---someone from my moms' group. I'll drink to that.
Totally unrelated quote of the day: "Mommy, the word 'forever' kinda makes my head spin." ---Michaela, after I suggested she keep an assignment she did perfectly and beautifully forever.
just so you know, you are just about the least selfish and sucky person i've ever met.
but if you ever need to let anything slip: paying your bills late isn't the end of the world.
yeah, i've been known to pay a bill late here or there...uh oh, which reminds me...
thanks, gary.
and i know i'm a jew but look - st. anthony comes through again.
yeah, you dn't suck. Infact, you rock. Jerry would approve.
And incase you ever forget that, lets get together for sushi and I'll remind you.
ok will you pay?
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