there's no place like home

Anyway, happy belated Thanksgiving to anyone I didn't see, call, text message, or email. Katie joined our family for some really yummy food (thanks, exhub) and then we had a concert. Gotta be thankful for good company, nutritional yeast gravy, and the Albuquerque Turkey song, at the very least. (The 9 year-olds' rendition accompanied by their very groovy mom is memorialized on my voicemail, for those of you who want to hear it.)
As cool as yesterday was, I'm glad we've got one holiday out of the way. Oh...but I just realized I forgot to put Valentine's Day on that list of wonderful fiestas to look forward to. But maybe my horoscope from the Alibi will come true in the next 4 days and I'll forget that everyone in big metropolitan cities is beautiful and content and lucky and that sometimes people can only be happy without me.
If I do get to do the yellow brick road thing, the poppies better be ready to harvest, and my lighter better work.
The blog log:
On a scale of 0-10 how funny Shrek 2 is: 17
Days til Thanksgiving: 364
How many turkey sandwiches I ate today: 1
Days til my birthday: 18
How drunk I'm getting on my birthday: someone better confiscate my celly (Melissa, you coming?)
Days til Hanukah: 21
Days til Christmas: 31
Days til New Years: 38
Days til Valentine's Day: 82
Thanks again for Thanksgiving. Also thanks to Duff Daddy.
Love you Jill!
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