balance and order
The Jewish mom guilt has taken over.
Here are the top 10 reasons why you all SHOULD have kids...
10. (from Colin) Cuz then there's someone to take care of you when you're older and you have someone to blame stuff on
9. Cuz they appreciate the pancakes you make in cool shapes and letters
8. Cuz you can play with playdough and colorforms and legos and go to Nickel City and not feel ridiculous
7. Cuz you can do things like make oceans out of blue jello and gummi worm fish and really enjoy it and then pretend you're a big shark and eat it all and not feel ridiculous
6. Cuz you can have concerts in your living room instead of just playing the guitar solo
5. Cuz every once in awhile they say things like, "Why do people care WHO someone loves?" and you realize that you're doing something right
4. Cuz you can run around the house wearing capes and have lightsaber fights
3. Cuz you can go see Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, etc. as many times as you want and not feel silly
2. Cuz you can teach them how to do things like play baseball and musical instruments and watch them get better than you pretty quickly
1. Cuz they'll cuddle with you any time you want and always tell you how much they love you even when you feel or look like shit and think things will never get better
Here are the top 10 reasons why you all SHOULD have kids...
10. (from Colin) Cuz then there's someone to take care of you when you're older and you have someone to blame stuff on
9. Cuz they appreciate the pancakes you make in cool shapes and letters
8. Cuz you can play with playdough and colorforms and legos and go to Nickel City and not feel ridiculous
7. Cuz you can do things like make oceans out of blue jello and gummi worm fish and really enjoy it and then pretend you're a big shark and eat it all and not feel ridiculous
6. Cuz you can have concerts in your living room instead of just playing the guitar solo
5. Cuz every once in awhile they say things like, "Why do people care WHO someone loves?" and you realize that you're doing something right
4. Cuz you can run around the house wearing capes and have lightsaber fights
3. Cuz you can go see Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, etc. as many times as you want and not feel silly
2. Cuz you can teach them how to do things like play baseball and musical instruments and watch them get better than you pretty quickly
1. Cuz they'll cuddle with you any time you want and always tell you how much they love you even when you feel or look like shit and think things will never get better
Damn I'm just gonna go out and procreate my ass off. WOOHOO!!!
cool. i hope everything comes out ok.
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