18 February 2007

sammy's pregnant!

So cool. Congrats. Yes, I will continue to help you pick out names. I don't understand why you don't like the ones I've suggested, but whatever.

Jill + too much coffee + 0500 = slap happy.

My secret wasn't posted on PostSecret yet again, but someone stole my theme. I guess what I did was not so original.

Anyway, Sammy says he's saving it for a book. Fine. That'll get me through the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just don't know about names such as "wonder woman schmaltz" or "jerry lewis schmaltz"... ;) we'll talk about these soon...there's no reason to jump to a final answer...we have what...like 9 months! :)

21 February, 2007 17:29  
Blogger jill said...

we do NOT have 9 months. we have like 7 1/2, and probably fewer since you're having twins.

ok, if you don't like wonder woman or jerry lewis, that's fine. there are countless other possibilities.

but don't worry, we'll keep kicking it around til they're born.

21 February, 2007 20:37  

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