19 March 2007
About Me
- Name: jill
- Location: the high desert, new mexico, United States
when my kids grow up i want to go chase tornadoes in oklahoma. or move to cape cod. but for now, i'm just gonna hang in the desert, enjoy the good life, see how many different colors i can paint my walls, hope for shooting stars and lucky pennies and kisses in the rain, and do everything humanly possible to keep my kids happy, healthy, and far away from drugs.
Previous Posts
- here you go, katie
- the blog log, in its original form
- an open letter to a whole bunch of people
- this strikes a cord
- Quote of the day: "Oh my god his kids are obsessed...
- putting the hoop back into whoop
- pi day
- cry me a river
- it's tucker time
- hypocritamous

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the blog is ending? since when? Why?
I'm confused.
Thats a shit ton of cranes, btw. Like, probably a thousand or something.
ending soon? as in you ain't gonna do it no more?
ending. soon. if i lose the muse, what's the point?
you probably saw me make like 500 of them, huh.
If this blog ends, my life will end. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. (mmmm...smoke......)
blogageddon. you can blame it on this guy i know...
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