17 March 2007

an open letter to a whole bunch of people

To the person Katie and I saw at the coffee shop today who shall remain nameless...joking about it dragging while you walk is neither funny nor charming. Ugh.

To the so unbelievably cute checker at Wild Oats who is from Wisconsin...yes, I stand in your line no matter how long it is so you will ring me up. Yes, I would love to drink beer with you and watch football and it wouldn't matter if the Packers got slaughtered.

To exhub...the house smelled like dirty feet when I left for work. I hope the corned beef and cabbage doesn't taste like them, too.

To the asshole who is anonymously posting rude comments to my blog...so not nice. Didn't your mother ever teach you if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? Try living that. I blog for fun, not for criticism. But if you're gonna leave asshole comments, at least leave your name. Chicken.

To the Badgers...please do not lose tomorrow or I have to go to medical school. Please, please win so I win the bet. I cannot afford anymore school right now and I am out of steam.

To Katie...thanks for a weird but great afternoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

an unsolicted response to the cute checker.........

she may say she'll drink beer with you, but, unless you're into drama, lists and a boatload of other stuff, don't be so quick to extend or accept that offer.
keep the black rubber belt between you 2...it's a good buffer.

18 March, 2007 09:30  
Blogger Col said...

What? No open letter reference to me?
wow. I feel so let down.
I geuss check out guy is hotter, winnings guy is cruder, anonymous guy is meaner, exhub is smellier, and the badgers are just more important.

So that makes me, what, plain, polite, kind, clean, and not worth betting on? And THATS not worth an open letter reference?



18 March, 2007 12:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no open letter reference, sorry. the check out guy is really cute. the winnings guy was sick. anonymous guy (? or girl?) is definitely meaner. exhub doesn't smell, the cabbage did. but the cole slaw was the bomb. and the badgers, even when they lose (sigh) usurp everything.

so colin, any idea who the mean anonymous commenter is? i got another one today that doesn't even deserve airtime. but still. with "friends" like that, i don't need enemies.

i guess when i go to medical school i won't have time to blog anyway.

but yuck.

18 March, 2007 23:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you really going to medical school? what are you, a masochist?

19 March, 2007 08:34  
Blogger jill said...

i just wanna hear you call me dr.

19 March, 2007 08:39  
Blogger Col said...

I think i have a suspicion of who the "mean" blogger is. Either someone you know, or a total random stranger. Yup. It's one of those two.

19 March, 2007 09:31  

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