the blog log, in its original form

How many days til I can start working full-time finally: 38
Clinical hours left: 79
How many times Katie said "come on baby" during the game today: about 50
How much beer helps when your team loses anyway: a little bit
How many mean-spirited comments I've received on my blog so far: 2
How many people I suspect might be writing them: 1
How many I deleted: 2
How many days til graduation: 53
How many of my parents are coming to NM to celebrate: 2.5, but not all at the same time
How many of my all-time favorite kids 10 and under are coming to graduation: 6
How many days til the Indigo Girls concert: 59
the blog log...copyright 2005, all rights reserved, must ask permission to use the blog log.
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