seize the coffee
Well these days
I wish I was 6 again
Oh make me a red cape
I wanna be superman

Even though I spent most of my day lying on Katie's floor, I'm feeling quite accomplished...I researched the whole Paris flight thing, exchanged about 942 emails about je ne sais quoi, and completed my first functional health history for Med/Surg, but also, for the very first time ever in my life, I did my own taxes. I'd like to thank the makers of Turbo Tax... Like I need a hot, sexy accountant to help me. Not that I'd turn one down, if he was cool...
So uh Katie and I are hanging out in my bed watching Felicity and studying. Soco on the rocks is making me warm and fuzzzzy, KT's laundry is gonna be squeeeeeeeeeeaky clean, and the 8 year-olds and their overnight guest are making a badass fort.
Zack is sleeping with St. Platypus tonight, so I get Tusky as a replacement. Nice.
And Katie made a t-shirt!
Quote of the day: "Why don't you go tell ghost stories and talk about the dead people in your closet." ---omg they should make people get a fucking license to be a parent
KT and I are looking at pictures! Here are some really hilarious pictures of me from important milestones in my life:
me in first grade (yes, I am wearing a tie)
me at my bat mitzvah (yes, I am wearing a purple suit but it's 1981 and notice that my grandfather and I have the same glasses...)
me with my college boyfriend (omg i'm sorry exhub I know you hated him but mmmmmmmm god he was gorgeous...oh and do you have any idea where that bong is now???)
me at my hippie wedding (yes, everyone was smoking pot including my mother-in-law, so I heard)
I wish I was 6 again
Oh make me a red cape
I wanna be superman

Even though I spent most of my day lying on Katie's floor, I'm feeling quite accomplished...I researched the whole Paris flight thing, exchanged about 942 emails about je ne sais quoi, and completed my first functional health history for Med/Surg, but also, for the very first time ever in my life, I did my own taxes. I'd like to thank the makers of Turbo Tax... Like I need a hot, sexy accountant to help me. Not that I'd turn one down, if he was cool...
So uh Katie and I are hanging out in my bed watching Felicity and studying. Soco on the rocks is making me warm and fuzzzzy, KT's laundry is gonna be squeeeeeeeeeeaky clean, and the 8 year-olds and their overnight guest are making a badass fort.
Zack is sleeping with St. Platypus tonight, so I get Tusky as a replacement. Nice.
And Katie made a t-shirt!
Quote of the day: "Why don't you go tell ghost stories and talk about the dead people in your closet." ---omg they should make people get a fucking license to be a parent
KT and I are looking at pictures! Here are some really hilarious pictures of me from important milestones in my life:
me in first grade (yes, I am wearing a tie)
me at my bat mitzvah (yes, I am wearing a purple suit but it's 1981 and notice that my grandfather and I have the same glasses...)
me with my college boyfriend (omg i'm sorry exhub I know you hated him but mmmmmmmm god he was gorgeous...oh and do you have any idea where that bong is now???)
me at my hippie wedding (yes, everyone was smoking pot including my mother-in-law, so I heard)
Today was a day to contemplate that relationship in my recent past where my bf was still in love with his ex roommate lesbian friend and then dairy queen was "not serving ice cream". I think is time to carpe carbombum.
it was more of an outrage that the 2nd dairy queen had a sign that said, "the dinning room closes at 8pm." fuckers.
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