You who are on the road
Must have a code
That you can live by
And so become yourself
Because the past
Is just a goodbye
People are horrible to their kids. I realize I can't change anyone, so I will just find solace in the fact that there are some good people out there who aren't assholes to their kids, and I will try to always be good to mine.
How cool is this? The Super Colon, an inflatable 8-foot tall, 20-foot long replica of a human colon, is gonna be at the HSC Plaza tomorrow and Wednesday. You get to walk through it. If we do this, we are officially pieces of shit. We're going at what time?
T-shirt of the day:

Can anyone else not move? Or is it just me that is completely exhausted? I thought spring break was supposed to be rejuvenating.
The Lobos lost, Manhattan lost, Michigan won...damn. I'm going to crash with the 8 year-olds.
Must have a code
That you can live by
And so become yourself
Because the past
Is just a goodbye
People are horrible to their kids. I realize I can't change anyone, so I will just find solace in the fact that there are some good people out there who aren't assholes to their kids, and I will try to always be good to mine.
How cool is this? The Super Colon, an inflatable 8-foot tall, 20-foot long replica of a human colon, is gonna be at the HSC Plaza tomorrow and Wednesday. You get to walk through it. If we do this, we are officially pieces of shit. We're going at what time?
T-shirt of the day:

Can anyone else not move? Or is it just me that is completely exhausted? I thought spring break was supposed to be rejuvenating.
The Lobos lost, Manhattan lost, Michigan won...damn. I'm going to crash with the 8 year-olds.
9 Comments: was just a's not like it was a dungeon or something
not gonna touch that cuz this morning a cage is sounding kinda nice
We go though our day to day lives oblivious to the cages that bind us to our existance that exist in every action we do. Get in your car. Drive to work. Tell your patient there doing fine after they seize from their medications. Look them in the eye and tell them the wort has past after you've just seen their intestines full of cancer and death that even the surgeon won't touch. And then Go home and stare at the wall and tell yourself that you did the best possible job for them, That it's just work and it should't affect you. If a cage is the obstacles that prevent you from being free, then lock me up and through away the key, for I am in the darkest dankest cell that reality has fabricated for me and puled over my eyes.
shit...rough day on the ward? you DO make a difference, just your presence, you know that. it isn't just work, and it should affect us, right? (this is coming from the inept nursing student who hangs in the linen closet to cry.) if i'm gonna die, you're gonna be there with me. ok? i love you colin...
Love you too Jill!
god if i had a nickel for every time i heard that...
is that KT wearing that shirt?
yes, yes it is
thought so. I'd recognise those....*AHEM*...ARMS anywhere.
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