Someday I'm going to start loving Wednesdays again but it ain't today. Next semester when someone asks if we can do clinicals on Thursday and Friday, we need to say hell no. Cuz right now we could be at the fucking Copper Lounge drinking $2 pints of Guinness playing "I never" with a bunch of uptight geeky math majors who think we're whores but who secretly want us to be really dirty with them. I'm still annoyed about that. They all drank for the face one AND for the pubic hair in teeth one. Pot. Kettle. Black. Sticky.

Today I got 2 phone messages telling me I'm an asshole for not calling people back, and "what the hell did I do to you so now you are not speaking to me?" First of all, I am an adult. So if I "stop speaking to you" you will not be wondering why, you will know. Second, you know where you get an egg and you have to take care of it like it's your kid for a certain period of time? We should start a program where we take people who do not have jobs or kids or 18 credits or 20 hours per week of clinicals and insert them into our lives for a few days. You get all this shit done and find time for everything else in the fucking world and then call me up when I'm feeling all neglected and tell me why the only thing you want to do is settle in at night after a few games of online dominoes with undemanding competitors and then crawl in bed with your fuzzy, battery-operated friend who doesn't talk or hog the bed. Hop to it, conejito.
Today I also completely wiped out in the shower and I told Katie I'd post a picture of the bruises on my
ass. So there you go. My ass is officially on my blog; my mother would be so proud. Let's see what color that shit is tomorrow.
Ozomatli is on Sex and the City. Katie, can we please move to NYC?
OK....I think a line needs to be drawn. That's alls I'm saying.
wow. ruff past couple of days? it must have been...all references of "family orientated blog" have seen to been thrown out the window... you said fuck and showed us ur ass, all in one day and I didn't even have to buy you dinner and take you out to a movie! And since you love lists, heres one fer ye:
1) sit through med/surg lectures monday morning.
2) blogging the status of drying paint on your bedroom wall, complete with pictures (atleast you've never sunk that low!)
3) Listen to all your friends call you up to wish you a happy 4/20 and have to tell them that 'No, I can't come smoke that tripple-chamber bubbler / 1/4oz Diggity blunt / icy-cold bong hits because I have a drug test tomorrow (on the day after 4/20??!? if ever theres a fay where you have an excuse to fail a test it should be then).
thats enough crappy things to list for one day...I don't want to bring you down. Infact, you'd love this...LAst night on PBS they showed how smart chimps were by them using tools...one grabbed a hand full leaves to wipe of his monkey-tool after copulating (the narator said it was a "convienent Hygenic wipe."). priceless.
yeah, the paint thing...but it was for celiac disease fundraising, quite the good cause.
med/surg...why even go.
no one wished me a happy 4/20 today. isn't it also the anniversary of columbine? much love to all those people...
good luck on your test tomorrow.
oh yeah. Happy 420.
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