Besides being an intern and a facilitator of foreign policy discussions on my blog, I live a double life as a mom of 9 year-olds. Right now, Zack is practicing his trumpet (loudly)(and screechily)(and badly)(but getting better) but I still like him. A lot.

On the way home from school, Michaela told me that this kid in her class wrote the "f word" on her art smock with a purple oil pastel and got in lots of trouble. And Zack heard about the whole thing out on the playground from one of Michaela's classmates.
Me: Did he get busted?
Michaela: Yes, he had to go to the prinipal's office.
Zack: Ooooohhhh yeah I heard that.
Michaela: Fortunately, that ill-behaved boy has been instructed to not act that way in the future.
Zack: Boooooooo yeeeaaahhhhh.
I can't believe they came from the same womb.
I think Michaela was switched in the incubator with our real, well-behaved child.
do you think we should keep her or try and find the real kid?
Well, in spite of her frequent damb-ass-ness I'm kinda attached to her. Although I would not have said that this morning while she was screeching at Zack 1 minute before we were leaving.
by the way, well-behaved women never make history.
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